
■ 英語タイトル:Generic Oncology Drugs Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2025-2033

調査会社IMARC社が発行したリサーチレポート(データ管理コード:IMA25FR0148)■ 発行会社/調査会社:IMARC
■ 商品コード:IMA25FR0148
■ 発行日:2025年1月
■ 調査対象地域:グローバル
■ 産業分野:医療
■ ページ数:139
■ レポート言語:英語
■ レポート形式:PDF
■ 納品方式:Eメール
■ 販売価格オプション(消費税別)
Single UserUSD2,999 ⇒換算¥449,850見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム
Five UserUSD3,999 ⇒換算¥599,850見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム
EnterprisewideUSD4,999 ⇒換算¥749,850見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム

*** レポート概要(サマリー)***

世界のジェネリック抗がん剤市場規模は、2024年に307億米ドルに達しました。今後、IMARC Groupは、2033年までに市場規模が468億米ドルに達し、2025年から2033年の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は4.8%になると予測しています。たばこ製品の過剰喫煙やアルコールの消費によるがんの増加、新薬開発のための研究業務への投資の増加、医薬品製造プロセスの合理化に向けた厳格な規制の実施の増加などは、市場の成長を促進する主な要因の一部です。
業界での用途: ジェネリック抗がん剤は、主にさまざまな種類のがん治療に使用されており、がん治療に欠かせないものとなっています。 ジェネリック抗がん剤は、ブランド薬に代わる費用対効果の高い選択肢であり、患者のアクセス性を高めます。
主な市場動向: 主な傾向としては、抗がん剤におけるバイオシミラーの採用拡大、個別化医療のアプローチ、および遠隔医療と遠隔医療サービスが医薬品供給に与える影響が挙げられます。 これらの傾向は、進化する患者ニーズと医療慣行を反映しています。


世界中で増加するがんの症例は、市場の成長を促す重要な要因のひとつです。がん診断の増加は、製薬業界、特にジェネリック抗がん剤の領域において、一連の開発と変革をもたらしています。がんの発生率の増加に後押しされたこれらの変革は多面的であり、ジェネリック抗がん剤の入手可能性と有効性に貢献する広範囲にわたる影響をもたらしています。がんが罹患率および死亡率の主要な原因となっている現在、費用対効果に優れ、信頼性の高い治療オプションの入手可能性は最も重要な要素です。 ジェネリック抗がん剤は、多くの場合、ブランド薬よりも低価格であるため、この需要を満たし、さまざまな社会経済的背景を持つ患者にアクセス可能なソリューションを提供するという点で理想的な位置づけにあります。 その手頃な価格と入手のしやすさにより、がんとの闘いにおいて不可欠なツールとなり、患者が適時かつ適切なケアを受けられることを保証します。医療制度の負担が軽減されることで、がん治療の全体的な効率性と有効性が向上し、最終的には患者に利益をもたらします。




ジェネリック抗がん剤の製造における進歩の増加が市場の成長を支えています。連続製造やリアルタイムモニタリングシステムなどの高度な製造技術が、ジェネリック抗がん剤の品質管理を改善しています。これらのシステムにより、製薬会社は製品品質の一貫性を維持でき、患者の治療結果に影響を与える可能性のあるばらつきのリスクを低減できます。この品質保証の強化により、ジェネリック医薬品の有効性に対する信頼が高まります。 自動化とロボット工学により、ジェネリック抗がん剤の製造工程が合理化されています。 効率性の向上により、これらの医薬品の生産量が増え、製造コストが削減され、市場投入までの時間が短縮されます。 技術の進歩により、製造業務の拡張性も拡大しています。 これにより、ジェネリック抗がん剤メーカーは市場の需要に応じて生産量をより柔軟に調整できるようになります。製剤および送達システムの進歩は、革新的なジェネリック抗がん剤の開発を促進しています。これらの技術は、薬効を高め、副作用を低減し、患者の服薬コンプライアンスを改善する可能性を秘めており、これらはすべてがん治療において重要な要素です。






ゲノミクスとバイオマーカー研究の進歩により、がんの分子メカニズムのより深い理解が可能になっています。この知識により、さまざまな種類の癌に関連する特定の遺伝子変異やバイオマーカーを特定することが可能となり、標的療法の開発への道が開かれます。 癌の個別化医療では、特定の分子特性に基づいて癌細胞の増殖や生存を選択的に阻害するよう設計された標的療法がしばしば用いられます。 ブランド名の標的療法の特許が切れると、費用対効果の高い代替品としてジェネリック医薬品が登場し、個別化治療の選択肢へのアクセスが拡大します。 個別化医療とコンパニオン診断の統合が注目を集めています。コンパニオン診断は、特定の治療に最も反応する可能性が高い患者を特定するのに役立ち、医療従事者は患者のユニークな遺伝子プロファイルに基づいて治療介入をカスタマイズすることができます。 治療効果を高めるために、コンパニオン診断と併せてジェネリック抗がん剤を開発することができます。


政府や医療従事者は、医療費抑制戦略にますます重点を置くようになっています。ジェネリック抗がん剤を使用することで、医療費全体を削減し、医療制度にとってがん治療をより持続可能なものにすることができます。 がん治療を含む医療費の高騰は、多くの医療制度にとって持続不可能になりつつあります。 さらに、がんの罹患率が上昇し、革新的な治療法が現れるにつれ、費用対効果の高いソリューションを見つける必要性も高まっています。ジェネリック医薬品である抗がん剤は、多くの場合、ブランド品よりも価格が手頃であるため、医療費全体の抑制に重要な役割を果たします。 政府や医療費支払者は、コスト削減策としてジェネリック医薬品の使用を促進する政策を実施しています。 ジェネリック医薬品がブランド品に置き換わるジェネリック置換は、がん治療費の削減を積極的に推進しています。 特に高額な生物製剤を扱う場合、腫瘍学の分野では大幅なコスト削減につながります。ジェネリック抗がん剤の参入は、ブランド薬の価格に圧力をかけます。ジェネリック代替品が利用可能になると、競争によりジェネリック薬とブランド薬の両方の価格が引き下げられることがよくあります。これは患者にとって有益であるだけでなく、医療費抑制の取り組みを支援することにもなります。


ジェネリック薬の受容の拡大は、市場の成長を支えています。ジェネリック薬が提供する経済的な利点により、患者と医療制度の両方が恩恵を受け、重要な医薬品がより手頃な価格で入手できるようになっています。臨床試験や実証データは、ジェネリック医薬品が先発医薬品と同等に効果があるという考え方を裏付けています。 証拠が蓄積されるにつれ、医療従事者や患者はジェネリック医薬品の有効性に対する信頼を深めています。 ジェネリック医薬品は、循環器疾患や糖尿病などの慢性疾患から、急性疾患や感染症まで、さまざまな治療領域で利用可能になっています。 幅広いジェネリック医薬品ポートフォリオは、幅広い医療ニーズをカバーすることで、ジェネリック医薬品の普及に貢献しています。また、ヘルスリテラシーの向上やジェネリック医薬品に関する患者への啓蒙活動も、ジェネリック医薬品の普及に貢献しています。患者がジェネリック医薬品が先発品と同等の品質と有効性を有することを理解すれば、治療の選択肢として受け入れやすくなります。さらに、生物学的製剤と非常に類似したバイオシミラーの出現は、さまざまな地域で規制当局の支持を得ています。この支援によりバイオシミラーの安全性と有効性に対する信頼が高まり、高価な生物学的製剤の代替品としてのバイオシミラーの受け入れに貢献しています。


ジェネリック抗がん剤市場での地位を固めようとする企業にとって、合併や買収は重要な戦略となっています。大手製薬会社は、製品ポートフォリオ、製造能力、または研究パイプラインへのアクセスを獲得するために、しばしば小規模な企業を買収します。この統合により、業務効率が向上し、買収企業の総合的な競争力が強化されます。企業間の提携やパートナーシップにより、リソースや専門知識を共有し、ジェネリック抗がん剤の研究開発(R&D)を加速することができます。 知識を共有し、強みを活用することで、企業はより効率的に新しく改良されたジェネリック製剤を市場に投入することができます。 これは、費用対効果の高い代替品をタイムリーに導入することが不可欠な分野において、非常に重要です。

IMARC Groupは、市場の各セグメントにおける主要なトレンドの分析と、2025年から2033年までの世界および地域レベルでの予測を提供しています。






アジア太平洋地域は、医療インフラの改善、必須医薬品へのアクセス拡大、医療費の抑制に向けた投資の増加を背景に、市場におけるもう一つの主要地域となっています。 がん治療薬を含むジェネリック医薬品の普及は、がん治療をより手頃な価格で提供するための取り組みの重要な要素となることが多くあります。 アジア太平洋地域における医療費の全体的な増加により、コスト抑制がより重視されるようになっています。ジェネリック抗がん剤は、ブランド薬よりも低価格であるため、がん治療の経済的影響を管理する上で不可欠です。



1. ジェネリック抗がん剤市場の市場規模は?
2. 2025年から2033年の間に、世界のジェネリック抗がん剤市場の成長率はどの程度と予測されるか?
3. 世界のジェネリック抗がん剤市場に与えたCOVID-19の影響はどのようなものでしょうか?
4. 世界のジェネリック抗がん剤市場を牽引する主な要因は何でしょうか?
5. 世界のジェネリック抗がん剤市場における主な地域は何でしょうか?
6. ジェネリック抗がん剤市場の動向は何でしょうか?
7. ジェネリック抗がん剤の開発における倫理的な問題は何でしょうか?

*** レポート目次(コンテンツ)***

1 序文
2 範囲と方法論
2.1 調査の目的
2.2 利害関係者
2.3 データソース
2.3.1 一次ソース
2.3.2 二次ソース
2.4 市場推定
2.4.1 ボトムアップアプローチ
2.4.2 トップダウンアプローチ
2.5 予測方法論
3 エグゼクティブサマリー
4 はじめに
4.1 概要
4.2 主要な業界トレンド
5 世界のジェネリック医薬品市場
5.1 市場概要
5.2 市場実績
5.3 地域別市場内訳
5.4 市場予測
6 世界のジェネリック抗がん剤市場
6.1 市場概要
6.2 市場動向
6.3 COVID-19 の影響
6.4 トップジェネリック抗がん剤
6.5 価格分析
6.6 市場予測
6.7 SWOT 分析
6.7.1 概要
6.7.2 強み
6.7.3 弱み
6.7.4 機会
6.7.5 脅威
6.8 バリューチェーン分析
6.8.1 研究開発
6.8.2 製造
6.8.3 マーケティング
6.8.4 流通
6.9 ポーターのファイブフォース分析
6.9.1 概要
6.9.2 買い手の交渉力
6.9.3 供給業者の交渉力
6.9.4 競争の度合い
6.9.5 新規参入の脅威
6.9.6 代替品の脅威
6.9.7 ジェネリック医薬品業界の規制
6.10 主な市場推進要因と成功要因
7 世界のジェネリック抗がん剤市場:主な地域の実績
7.1 北米
7.2 欧州
7.3 アジア太平洋
7.4 中東およびアフリカ
7.5 ラテンアメリカ
8 世界のジェネリック抗がん剤市場:競合状況
8.1 市場構造
8.2 主要企業による市場分割
8.3 主要企業のプロフィール
9 ジェネリック抗がん剤の製造工程
9.1 製品概要
9.2 詳細な工程フロー(錠剤
9.3 詳細な工程フロー(注射剤
9.4 関与する各種単位操作
9.5 物質収支および原材料要件
10 プロジェクトの詳細、要件、および関連費用
10.1 土地要件および支出
10.2 建設要件および支出
10.3 プラント機械
10.4 機械写真
10.5 原材料要件および支出
10.6 パッケージ要件および支出
10.7 輸送要件および支出
10.8 ユーティリティ要件および支出
10.9 人員要件と支出
10.10 その他の資本投資
11 融資および財政援助
12 プロジェクト経済
12.1 プロジェクトの資本コスト
12.2 技術経済パラメータ
12.3 サプライチェーンのさまざまなレベルにおける製品価格と利益率
12.4 課税と減価償却
12.5 収入予測
12.6 支出予測
12.7 財務分析
12.8 利益分析

The global generic oncology drugs market size reached USD 30.7 Billion in 2024. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach USD 46.8 Billion by 2033, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.8% during 2025-2033. The growing prevalence of cancer due to excessive smoking of tobacco products and consumption of alcohol, rising investments in research operations for developing novel drugs, and increasing implementation of stringent regulations for streamlining the drug production process are some of the major factors propelling the growth of the market.

Generic Oncology Drugs Market Analysis:
Market Growth and Size: The generic oncology drugs market is experiencing stable growth, driven by the increasing cancer prevalence and the growing demand for cost-effective treatment options.
Major Market Drivers: Key drivers include the rising cancer prevalence, patent expirations of branded oncology drugs, government initiatives to control healthcare costs, and advancements in pharmaceutical manufacturing technologies.
Technological Advancements: Continuous innovations are leading to enhanced quality control, streamlined manufacturing processes, and improved formulation and delivery systems for generic oncology drugs.
Industry Applications: Generic oncology drugs are primarily used in cancer treatment across various cancer types, making them a vital component of cancer care. They offer cost-effective alternatives to branded drugs, increasing patient accessibility.
Key Market Trends: Key trends include the growing adoption of biosimilars in oncology, personalized medicine approaches, and the influence of telemedicine and remote healthcare services on drug delivery. These trends reflect evolving patient needs and healthcare practices.
Geographical Trends: The North America region exhibits significant growth in the generic oncology drugs market due to the high cancer prevalence, stringent regulatory frameworks, and emphasis on cost containment. Asia Pacific is also witnessing significant developments on account of rising investments in medical research operations.
Competitive Landscape: The market features a competitive landscape with multiple pharmaceutical companies actively engaged in research and development (R&D) and manufacturing of generic oncology drugs. Strategic partnerships and acquisitions are common strategies to strengthen market positions.
Challenges and Opportunities: Challenges include navigating complex regulatory processes, ensuring product quality and safety, and addressing competition. However, these challenges also present opportunities for expanding product portfolios, meeting the demand for personalized cancer treatments, and entering emerging markets with unmet healthcare needs. Overall, the market presents significant growth potential for players who can navigate these challenges effectively.

Generic Oncology Drugs Market Trends:
Increasing Cases of Cancer

The increasing cases of cancer around the world represent one of the crucial factors impelling the growth of the market. This rise in cancer diagnoses is leading to a series of developments and transformations within the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in the domain of generic oncology drugs. These transformations, driven by the heightened cancer incidence, are multifaceted and have far-reaching implications that contribute to the accessibility and effectiveness of generic oncology drugs. With cancer emerging as a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, the availability of cost-effective and reliable treatment options is paramount. Generic oncology drugs, often more affordable than their branded counterparts, are ideally positioned to meet this demand and provide accessible solutions for patients across diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. Their affordability and accessibility make them indispensable tools in the fight against cancer, ensuring that patients receive timely and adequate care. This alleviation of healthcare system pressures enhances the overall efficiency and effectiveness of cancer treatment, ultimately benefiting patients.

Government Initiatives and Regulations

Government regulatory agencies oversee the approval and market entry of generic oncology drugs. They establish rigorous standards to evaluate the safety and efficacy of these medications before granting approval. These standards are critical in ensuring that generic drugs are reliable and effective alternatives to their branded counterparts. Government policies related to patent expiration and market exclusivity periods significantly impact the availability of generic oncology drugs. When patents for branded oncology drugs expire, regulatory agencies may grant approval for generic versions to enter the market. This process is guided by legal frameworks, which encourage competition and affordability in the pharmaceutical industry. Regulatory agencies oversee pharmacovigilance programs to monitor and assess the safety of generic oncology drugs once they are on the market. These agencies also enforce quality control standards to maintain the consistent quality and purity of medications, ensuring that patients receive safe and effective treatments. Moreover, governing agencies of various countries are providing incentives, such as research grants or tax benefits, to encourage pharmaceutical companies to invest in the development of generic oncology drugs.

Technological Advancements in Manufacturing

The rising advancements in the manufacturing of generic oncology drugs are supporting the market growth. Advanced manufacturing technologies, such as continuous manufacturing and real-time monitoring systems, are improving the quality control of generic oncology drugs. These systems enable pharmaceutical companies to maintain consistent product quality, reducing the risk of variations that can impact patient outcomes. This enhanced quality assurance instils confidence in the effectiveness of generic drugs. Automation and robotics are streamlining the manufacturing processes of generic oncology drugs. This increased efficiency results in higher production volumes, reduced production costs, and faster time-to-market for these medications. Technological advancements are also expanding the scalability of manufacturing operations. This is enabling generic oncology drug manufacturers to adjust production volumes more flexibly in response to market demand. Advances in drug formulation and delivery systems are facilitating the development of innovative generic oncology drug products. These technologies have the potential to enhance drug efficacy, reduce side effects, and improve patient compliance, all of which are critical factors in cancer treatment.

Patent Expirations and Cost-Effective Solutions

Patent expirations of several branded oncology drugs are opening opportunities for generic drug manufacturers. When patents for innovative cancer therapies expire, generic manufacturers can enter the market, offering lower-cost alternatives. This competition not only reduces the financial burden on patients but also contributes to healthcare cost containment. The availability of affordable generic oncology drugs ensures that more patients can access treatment, thereby fueling market growth.

Regulatory Support and Approval Pathways

Regulatory bodies are implementing expedited approval pathways for generic oncology drugs. Additionally, various government initiatives and policies encourage the development and manufacturing of generic oncology drugs. These regulatory supports create a favorable environment for generic drug manufacturers. Some regulatory agencies are also offering expedited pathways for the review and approval of generic oncology drugs, especially when there is a need for increased competition or when the drug in question addresses an unmet medical need. These pathways aim to streamline the approval process and facilitate timely market entry. Generic drug manufacturers may face patent challenges from innovator companies seeking to extend their exclusivity. Patent litigation and challenges play a role in the regulatory landscape, as the resolution of patent disputes can influence the timing of generic market entry.

Demand for Personalized Medicine

Advances in genomics and biomarker research are enabling a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer. This knowledge allows for the identification of specific genetic alterations and biomarkers associated with different types of cancer, paving the way for the development of targeted therapies. Personalized medicine in oncology often involves the use of targeted therapies designed to selectively inhibit cancer cell growth or survival based on specific molecular characteristics. As branded targeted therapies face patent expirations, generic equivalents are emerging to provide cost-effective alternatives, expanding access to personalized treatment options. The integration of companion diagnostics with personalized medicine is gaining prominence. Companion diagnostics help identify patients who are most likely to respond to a particular treatment, allowing healthcare providers to tailor therapeutic interventions based on the unique genetic profile of patients. Generic oncology drugs can be developed in tandem with companion diagnostics to enhance treatment efficacy.

Healthcare Cost Containment

Governments and healthcare providers are increasingly focusing on cost containment strategies. The use of generic oncology drugs helps in reducing overall healthcare costs, making cancer treatment more sustainable for healthcare systems. The increasing cost of healthcare, including oncology treatments, is becoming unsustainable for many healthcare systems. Moreover, as cancer prevalence rises and innovative therapies emerge, there is a growing need to find cost-effective solutions. Generic oncology drugs, often more affordable than their branded counterparts, play a crucial role in containing overall healthcare expenditures. Governments and healthcare payers are implementing policies promoting the use of generic drugs as a cost-saving measure. Generic substitution, where generic drugs replace branded ones, is actively encouraging to drive down the cost of cancer treatments. In the oncology sector, this can lead to significant savings, especially when dealing with high-cost biologics. The entry of generic oncology drugs creates pricing pressures on branded drugs. As generic alternatives become available, the competition often results in reduced prices for both generic and branded medications. This not only benefits patients but also supports healthcare cost containment initiatives.

Rising Acceptance of Generics

The rising acceptance of generics is supporting the growth of the market. Patients and healthcare systems alike benefit from the economic advantages offered by generic drugs, making essential medications more affordable. Clinical studies and real-world evidence support the notion that generic drugs perform comparably to brand-name drugs. As more evidence accumulates, healthcare professionals and patients become increasingly confident in the effectiveness of generic medications. The availability of generic versions is expanding across various therapeutic areas, ranging from chronic conditions like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes to acute conditions and infectious diseases. A broader generic drug portfolio contributes to increased acceptance as it covers a wide range of medical needs. Apart from this, efforts to enhance health literacy and educate patients about generic medications are increasing acceptance of generics. When patients understand that generics offer the same quality and efficacy as brand-name drugs, they are more likely to accept them as viable treatment options. Furthermore, the emergence of biosimilars, which are highly similar versions of biologic drugs, is receiving regulatory support in various regions. This support boosts confidence in the safety and efficacy of biosimilars, contributing to their acceptance as alternatives to expensive biologics.

Market Consolidation and Strategic Collaborations

Mergers and acquisitions are becoming prominent strategies for companies seeking to consolidate their positions in the generic oncology drugs market. Large pharmaceutical companies often acquire smaller players to gain access to their product portfolios, manufacturing capabilities, or research pipelines. This consolidation enhances operational efficiency and strengthens the overall competitiveness of the acquiring entity. Collaborations and partnerships allow companies to pool resources and expertise, accelerating the research and development (R&D) of generic oncology drugs. By combining knowledge and leveraging strengths, companies can bring new and improved generic formulations to market more efficiently. This is crucial in a sector where timely introduction of cost-effective alternatives is essential.

Generic Oncology Drugs Industry Segmentation:
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global and regional levels for 2025-2033.

Breakup by Region:

North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
Latin America

North America leads the market, accounting for the largest generic oncology drugs market share

The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. According to the report, North America accounted for the largest market share.

The North America generic oncology drug market is largely driven by the rising prevalence of cancer among the masses due to excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking tobacco products. Governing bodies and healthcare providers in the region are increasingly focused on containing healthcare costs. Generic oncology drugs, known for their cost-effectiveness, align with this goal and are preferred options in various healthcare systems. Stringent regulatory frameworks are governing and streamlining the approval of generic drugs. These regulations ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of generic oncology drugs, instilling confidence among healthcare professionals and patients. Additionally, technological advancements in pharmaceutical manufacturing, such as continuous manufacturing and automation, are improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of producing generic oncology drugs.

Asia Pacific stands as another key region in the market, driven by the increasing investments to improve healthcare infrastructure, increase access to essential medicines, and control healthcare costs. The promotion of generic medications, including oncology drugs, is often a key component of these initiatives to make cancer treatment more affordable. The overall increase in healthcare expenditure in the Asia-Pacific region is leading to a greater emphasis on cost containment. Generic oncology drugs, being more affordable than their branded counterparts, are integral to managing the economic impact of cancer care.

Leading Key Players in the Generic Oncology Drugs Industry:
Key players in the generic oncology drugs market are actively engaged in various strategic initiatives to maintain and expand their market presence. These initiatives include the development and launch of new generic oncology drugs, often following the expiration of patents for branded medications. Additionally, top companies are investing in research and development (R&D) to enhance the quality and efficacy of their generic oncology drug offerings. They are also focusing on cost-efficient manufacturing processes, leveraging technological advancements to improve production efficiency. Marketing efforts emphasize the affordability and accessibility of their products to both patients and healthcare systems. Furthermore, strategic partnerships, collaborations, and acquisitions are becoming prevalent as companies seek to strengthen their portfolios and global reach in this competitive market. Leading companies are actively involving in developing and commercializing generic versions of various oncology medications. They are also prioritizing on biosimilars, including biosimilar versions of oncology drugs and involving in the development and commercialization of cost-effective alternatives to branded oncology biologics.

The market research report has provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided.

Key Questions Answered in This Report
1. What is the market size of the generic oncology drugs market?
2. What is the expected growth rate of the global generic oncology drugs market during 2025-2033?
3. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the global generic oncology drugs market?
4. What are the key factors driving the global generic oncology drugs market?
5. What are the key regions in the global generic oncology drugs market?
6. What are the trends of the generic oncology drugs market?
7. What are the ethical issues in the development of generic oncology drugs?

1 Preface
2 Scope and Methodology
2.1 Objectives of the study
2.2 Stakeholders
2.3 Data Sources
2.3.1 Primary Sources
2.3.2 Secondary Sources
2.4 Market Estimation
2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach
2.4.2 Top-Down Approach
2.5 Forecasting Methodology
3 Executive Summary
4 Introduction
4.1 Overview
4.2 Key Industry Trends
5 Global Generic Drug Market
5.1 Market Overview
5.2 Market Performance
5.3 Market Breakup by Region
5.4 Market Forecast
6 Global Generic Oncology Drug Market
6.1 Market Overview
6.2 Market Trends
6.3 Impact of COVID-19
6.4 Top Generic Oncology Drugs
6.5 Price Analysis
6.6 Market Forecast
6.7 SWOT Analysis
6.7.1 Overview
6.7.2 Strengths
6.7.3 Weaknesses
6.7.4 Opportunities
6.7.5 Threats
6.8 Value Chain Analysis
6.8.1 Research and Development
6.8.2 Manufacturing
6.8.3 Marketing
6.8.4 Distribution
6.9 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
6.9.1 Overview
6.9.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
6.9.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
6.9.4 Degree of Competition
6.9.5 Threat of New Entrants
6.9.6 Threat of Substitutes
6.9.7 Regulations in the Generics Industry
6.10 Key Market Drivers and Success Factors
7 Global Generic Oncology Drug Market: Performance of Key Regions
7.1 North America
7.2 Europe
7.3 Asia Pacific
7.4 Middle East and Africa
7.5 Latin America
8 Global Generic Oncology Drug Market: Competitive Landscape
8.1 Market Structure
8.2 Market Breakup by Key Players
8.3 Key Player Profiles
9 Generic Oncology Drug Manufacturing Process
9.1 Product Overview
9.2 Detailed Process Flow (Tablets)
9.3 Detailed Process Flow (Injectable)
9.4 Various Types of Unit Operations Involved
9.5 Mass Balance and Raw Material Requirements
10 Project Details, Requirements and Costs Involved
10.1 Land Requirements and Expenditures
10.2 Construction Requirements and Expenditures
10.3 Plant Machinery
10.4 Machinery Pictures
10.5 Raw Material Requirements and Expenditures
10.6 Packaging Requirements and Expenditures
10.7 Transportation Requirements and Expenditures
10.8 Utility Requirements and Expenditures
10.9 Manpower Requirements and Expenditures
10.10 Other Capital Investments
11 Loans and Financial Assistance
12 Project Economics
12.1 Capital Cost of the Project
12.2 Techno-Economic Parameters
12.3 Product Pricing and Margins Across Various Levels of the Supply Chain
12.4 Taxation and Depreciation
12.5 Income Projections
12.6 Expenditure Projections
12.7 Financial Analysis
12.8 Profit Analysis

*** 免責事項 ***

※当市場調査資料(IMA25FR0148 )"ジェネリック抗がん剤の世界市場(2025-2033):産業動向、シェア、規模、成長、機会、予測" (英文:Generic Oncology Drugs Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2025-2033)はIMARC社が調査・発行しており、H&Iグローバルリサーチが販売します。

