
  • 主な調査対応産業:IT、電子、化学、自動車、医療、食品、エネルギー、小売りなど多様
  • 主な調査対応地域:インドを中心とした新興国
6Wresearchは、市場参入および成長戦略の支援を専門とする市場調査およびコンサルティング会社です。私たちは、「何を」「なぜ」「いつ」「どれを」「どこで」「どのように」という調査の核心的な6つの要素に対して回答を提供し、クライアントの戦略目標の達成を支援することを目的とした専門家チームを有しています。### **なぜ6Wresearchを選ぶのか?**

– **社内データベース**

– **25か国向けのデータ調査ソリューション**

– **ナレッジパートナー**

– **高度な調査および予測モデル**

### **ホワイトペーパー**



– 中東・アフリカの商業セキュリティ市場
– 中東・アフリカの防火システムおよび装置市場
– GCC(湾岸協力会議)ドローン市場
– 中東の照明器具市場
– GCC物理的および周辺セキュリティ市場

6Wresearch is a market research & consulting firm specializing in assisting market entry and growth strategies. We answers the all core six elements of research i.e What, Why, When, Which, Where, and How together with the team of experts whose collective aim is to support the clients in meeting their strategic goals.

Why Choose Us?

-In Houses Databases
6Wresearch currently holds more than 50 inhouse databases covering more than 60 countries Globally. 6W also tracks & updates most of the researches it produces thus providing regular update regarding changing market conditions.

-Data Research Solutions for 25 Countries
6Wresearch operates with data collection solutions for 25 countries enables us to provide local and insightful research

-Knowledge Partners
6Wresearch tied up with knowledge partners/contributors like executives and stakeholders across industry ensuring data validation and quality insights

-Complex Research & Forecasting Models
6Wresearch holds the expertise of latest and most complex research models enabling the most accurate information aligning to the actual market conditions.

White Paper
6Wresearch regularly publishes its market findings and analysis through various whitepapers. These whitepapers are often presented in various global events on regular basis. These informative findings help various stakeholders to visualize market dynamics, developments and trends.

6Wresearch Analysts participates as key industry speakers in the global events to contribute their knowledge and share opportunities prevailing in the market. The whitepapers have market snapshots of the industries/products with some of the key market numbers highlighted. The market numbers presented helps the stakeholders to understand the historical trends, future forecast data and evolutions. Some of our recently published whitepapers are listed below:

Middle East & Africa Commercial Security Market.
Middle East & Africa Fire Safety Systems & Equipment Market.
GCC Drone Market.
Middle East Lighting Fixture Market.
GCC Physical & Perimeter Security Market.

