
■ 英語タイトル:Generic Drugs Market Report by Therapy Area (Central Nervous System, Cardiovascular, Dermatology, Genitourinary/Hormonal, Respiratory, Rheumatology, Diabetes, Oncology, and Others), Drug Delivery (Oral, Injectables, Dermal/Topical, Inhalers), Distribution Channel (Retail Pharmacies, Hospital Pharmacies), and Country 2025-2033

調査会社IMARC社が発行したリサーチレポート(データ管理コード:IMA25FR0146)■ 発行会社/調査会社:IMARC
■ 商品コード:IMA25FR0146
■ 発行日:2025年1月
■ 調査対象地域:グローバル
■ 産業分野:医療
■ ページ数:136
■ レポート言語:英語
■ レポート形式:PDF
■ 納品方式:Eメール
■ 販売価格オプション(消費税別)
Single UserUSD2,999 ⇒換算¥449,850見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム
Five UserUSD3,999 ⇒換算¥599,850見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム
EnterprisewideUSD4,999 ⇒換算¥749,850見積依頼/購入/質問フォーム

*** レポート概要(サマリー)***

世界のジェネリック医薬品市場規模は2024年に3890億米ドルに達しました。今後、IMARC Groupは、2033年までに市場規模が6749億米ドルに達し、2025年から2033年の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は5.66%になると予測しています。市場は主に、慢性疾患の発生率の増加、医療費の高騰、医薬品の特許切れによって牽引されています。ブランド薬の特許切れにより、より多くのジェネリック医薬品が市場に参入できるようになり、市場の成長を促進しています。医療費削減のためにジェネリック医薬品の使用を促進する政府の支援政策も、市場の成長に大きく貢献しています。







各国の政府機関は、ヘルスケアサービスを手頃な価格で提供することや、さまざまな慢性疾患の治療法を見つけることに多大な投資を行っています。 また、医療費の助成、薬剤費削減政策の実施、保険適用、公衆衛生施設やプログラムへの投資など、数多くの取り組みも行っています。これとは別に、各国の行政当局は、さまざまな農村地域に無料診療所を建設することで、異なる所得層や社会階層間の健康格差の縮小に重点的に取り組んでいます。これらの診療所では、無料検診に加えて、ジェネリック医薬品やその他のさまざまな医薬品を低価格で提供することにも重点を置いています。



IMARC Groupは、世界のジェネリック医薬品市場レポートの各セグメントにおける主要なトレンドの分析を提供しており、2025年から2033年までの世界および国レベルでの予測も行っています。当社のレポートでは、治療分野、薬物送達、流通チャネルに基づいて市場を分類しています。





ジェネリック医薬品は、さまざまな中枢神経系(CNS)疾患の治療において重要な役割を果たしています。 ジェネリック医薬品には、手頃な価格、入手のしやすさ、そして先発品と同等の効果など、いくつかの利点があります。 これには、これらの症状に対して一般的に処方されるフルオキセチン、セルトラリン、エスシタロプラムなどのセロトニン再取り込み阻害薬(SSRI)が含まれます。また、てんかんの治療に一般的に処方され、発作抑制に効果があることが証明されているレベチラセタム、ラモトリギン、トピラマートなどの抗てんかん薬も含まれます。これらはパーキンソン病や注意欠陥多動性障害(ADHD)の治療にも使用されます。





また、本レポートでは、薬物送達方法別の詳細な内訳と分析も提供されています。これには、経口、注射、経皮/局所、吸入剤が含まれます。レポートによると、経口剤が最大の市場シェアを占めています。これは、一般的に投与が容易で、患者が自己投与できるためです。医療監督や支援を必要とせずに、自宅や外出先で服用することができます。さらに、経口薬は薬局や病院で購入でき、医療従事者から処方されることもあり、患者にとっては入手や服用が容易です。 注射針や注射、侵襲的な処置を必要としないため、非侵襲的な方法で服用でき、一部の人にとっては不快であったり不安の原因となることもあります。 消化器官から吸収され、効率的に血流に送られます。さらに、経口薬は定期的に服用しやすいことから、患者の服薬コンプライアンスも高くなります。





小売薬局は、地域薬局または外来患者用薬局とも呼ばれ、処方薬、店頭販売(OTC)薬、その他のヘルスケア製品を消費者に直接販売する施設です。これらの薬局は、ドラッグストアチェーン、スーパーマーケット、または独立した薬局など、小売店舗で一般的に見られます。一般の人々にとって、アクセスしやすく便利な医薬品サービスを提供する上で重要な役割を果たしています。 鎮痛剤、咳止めや風邪薬、アレルギー薬など、多種多様な医薬品を取り扱っています。 さらに、サプリメント、ビタミン、パーソナルケア用品、救急用品、血圧計や血糖値測定器などの医療機器など、さまざまな健康・ウェルネス製品も取り揃えていることがよくあります。









Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd.
Mylan N.V.
Novartis AG
Pfizer Inc.
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
Fresenius SE & Co.
Lupin Limited
Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Aurobindo Pharma Limited
Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited


1. 2024年の世界のジェネリック医薬品市場の規模は?
2. 2025年から2033年の間に、世界のジェネリック医薬品市場の成長率はどの程度になると予測されていますか?
3. 世界のジェネリック医薬品市場を牽引する主な要因は何ですか?
4. 世界のジェネリック医薬品市場に、COVID-19はどのような影響を与えていますか?
5. 治療分野別の世界のジェネリック医薬品市場の内訳はどのようになっていますか?
6. ジェネリック医薬品市場の世界市場における薬物送達別の内訳は?
7. ジェネリック医薬品市場の世界市場における流通チャネル別の内訳は?
8. ジェネリック医薬品市場の世界市場における主要地域は?
9. ジェネリック医薬品市場の世界市場における主要企業は?

*** レポート目次(コンテンツ)***

1 序文
2 範囲と方法論
2.1 本調査の目的
2.2 利害関係者
2.3 データソース
2.3.1 一次ソース
2.3.2 二次ソース
2.4 市場推定
2.4.1 ボトムアップアプローチ
2.4.2 トップダウンアプローチ
2.5 予測方法論
3 エグゼクティブサマリー
4 はじめに
4.1 概要
4.2 主な業界トレンド
5 世界のジェネリック医薬品業界
5.1 市場概要
5.2 市場実績
5.3 COVID-19 の影響
5.4 国別の市場内訳
5.5 治療分野別の市場内訳
5.6 薬物送達別の市場内訳
5.7 流通チャネル別の市場内訳
5.8 市場予測
5.9 SWOT 分析
5.9.1 概要
5.9.2 強み
5.9.3 弱み
5.9.4 機会
5.9.5 脅威
5.10 バリューチェーン分析
5.10.1 研究開発
5.10.2 製造
5.10.3 マーケティングと流通
5.11 ポーターのファイブフォース分析
5.11.1 概要
5.11.2 買い手の交渉力
5.11.3 供給業者の交渉力
5.11.4 競争の度合い
5.11.5 新規参入の脅威
5.11.6 代替品の脅威
5.12 一般産業における規制
5.13 主要市場の推進要因と成功要因
6 主要国の実績
6.1 米国
6.1.1 市場動向
6.1.2 市場予測
6.2 中国
6.2.1 市場動向
6.2.2 市場予測
6.3 ブラジル
6.3.1 市場動向
6.3.2 市場予測
6.4 ドイツ
6.4.1 市場動向
6.4.2 市場予測
6.5 フランス
6.5.1 市場動向
6.5.2 市場予測
6.6 インド
6.6.1 市場動向
6.6.2 市場予測
6.7 英国
6.7.1 市場動向
6.7.2 市場予測
6.8 日本
6.8.1 市場動向
6.8.2 市場予測
6.9 カナダ
6.9.1 市場動向
6.9.2 市場予測
6.10 イタリア
6.10.1 市場動向
6.10.2 市場予測
6.11 その他
6.11.1 市場動向
6.11.2 市場予測
7 治療分野別市場規模
7.1 中枢神経系
7.1.1 市場動向
7.1.2 市場予測
7.2 循環器系
7.2.1 市場動向
7.2.2 市場予測
7.3 皮膚科
7.3.1 市場動向
7.3.2 市場予測
7.4 泌尿生殖器/ホルモン
7.4.1 市場動向
7.4.2 市場予測
7.5 呼吸器
7.5.1 市場動向
7.5.2 市場予測
7.6 リウマチ学
7.6.1 市場動向
7.6.2 市場予測
7.7 糖尿病
7.7.1 市場動向
7.7.2 市場予測
7.8 腫瘍学
7.8.1 市場動向
7.8.2 市場予測
7.9 その他
7.9.1 市場動向
7.9.2 市場予測
8 薬物送達別市場内訳
8.1 経口
8.1.1 市場動向
8.1.2 市場予測
8.2 注射
8.2.1 市場動向
8.2.2 市場予測
8.3 経皮吸収型製剤
8.3.1 市場動向
8.3.2 市場予測
8.4 吸入剤
8.4.1 市場動向
8.4.2 市場予測
9 流通チャネル別市場規模
9.1 薬局
9.1.1 市場動向
9.1.2 市場予測
9.2 病院薬局
9.2.1 市場動向
9.2.2 市場予測
10 競合状況
10.1 市場構造
10.2 主要企業別の市場シェア
10.3 主要企業のプロフィール
Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd
Mylan N.V
Novartis AG
Pfizer Inc
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
Fresenius SE & Co
Lupin Limited
Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc
Aurobindo Pharma Limited
Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited
11 ジェネリック医薬品製造工程
11.1 製品概要
11.2 詳細工程フロー(錠剤
11.3 詳細工程フロー(注射剤
11.4 関与する各種単位操作
11.5 物質収支および原料所要量
12 プロジェクトの詳細、要件および関連費用
12.1 土地要件および支出
12.2 建設要件および支出
12.3 プラント機械
12.4 機械設備
12.5 原材料の所要量と支出
12.6 パッケージングの所要量と支出
12.7 輸送の所要量と支出
12.8 ユーティリティの所要量と支出
12.9 人員の所要量と支出
12.10 その他の資本投資
13 融資および財政支援
14 プロジェクト経済
14.1 プロジェクトの資本コスト
14.2 技術経済パラメータ
14.3 サプライチェーンのさまざまなレベルにおける製品価格と利益率
14.4 課税と減価償却
14.5 収入予測
14.6 支出予測
14.7 財務分析
14.8 利益分析

The global generic drugs market size reached USD 389.0 Billion in 2024. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach USD 674.9 Billion by 2033, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.66% during 2025-2033. The market is mainly driven by the increase in incidence of chronic diseases, rising healthcare costs and expiring drug patents. Expirations of patents on branded drugs fuels the market growth by allowing more generic versions to enter the market. Supportive government policies which promote the use of generic drugs to reduce healthcare spending is also contributing positively to the market growth.

Generic drugs are medications that are bioequivalent to brand-name drugs in terms of active ingredients, dosage form, strength, route of administration, quality, safety, and efficacy. They consist of a wide range of medications, including ibuprofen, metformin, and simvastatin. They are produced after the patent protection of the brand-name drug expires. They are approved by regulatory authorities and available at affordable prices. They play a vital role in managing various health conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, infections, and cardiovascular diseases. They are essential in improving affordability, particularly for individuals without comprehensive insurance coverage or facing high expenses.

The increasing demand for generic drugs due to the rising number of patent expirations of brand name drugs is impelling the growth of the market. Besides this, the growing cost of healthcare services around the world is offering a favorable market outlook. In addition, the increasing geriatric population across the globe experiencing various chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and respiratory disorders, is contributing to the growth of the market. Apart from this, the rising number of collaborations between key market players to increase the production of various generic drugs is supporting the growth of the market. Additionally, the increasing integration of technologically advanced equipment in the pharmaceutical industry to produce various complex generic drugs with specialized formulations is bolstering the growth of the market.

Generic Drugs Market Trends/Drivers:
Rising prevalence of chronic diseases

At present, there is an increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases among the masses due to the rising adoption of unhealthy lifestyle habits. Sedentary lifestyles and poor diet (increased consumption of processed and fast foods) are significant contributors to a rise of chronic ailments like diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. Apart from this, the excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco is propelling the occurrence of various chronic disorders, such as hypertension and cardiovascular complications. In addition, chronic stress, often a byproduct of the modern, fast-paced lifestyle, can contribute to a host of health problems, including heart disease and mental illness. However, enhanced screening and diagnostic tools are leading to better, earlier, and more frequent detection of chronic conditions. Furthermore, the consumption of various generic drugs is helping patients to treat a wide array of chronic diseases.

Growing research-related activities in the pharmaceutical industry

At present, there is an increase in research activities in the pharmaceutical industry to develop treatments and vaccines for emerging diseases. Besides this, the demand for medications is increasing as the geriatric population is rising around the world. Moreover, recent breakthroughs in areas, such as genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics, are opening new avenues for drug discovery and development. The ability to manipulate genes and proteins at a molecular level, and the increasing understanding of disease mechanisms at the molecular and genetic levels, are paving the way for the development of targeted therapies. Apart from this, pharmaceutical companies are investing in manufacturing various generic versions of branded drugs to make them affordable and easily accessible for patients.

Increasing number of government initiatives to provide affordable healthcare services

Governing agencies of various countries are heavily investing in making healthcare services affordable and finding treatments for various chronic illnesses. They are also taking numerous initiatives, including subsidizing healthcare costs, implementing policies to reduce the cost of drugs, providing insurance coverage, and investing in public health facilities and programs. Apart from this, governing authorities of various countries are focusing on reducing health disparities among different income and social groups by constructing free clinics in various rural areas. These clinics are also prioritizing generic drugs and various other medications for nominal prices, along with free checkups.

Generic Drugs Market Trends:

The growing global geriatric population and the rising occurrence of chronic medical disorders, such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, represent one of the key factors positively influencing the market. In addition, changing dietary patterns and hectic schedules of individuals are leading to various conditions, which, in turn, is catalyzing the demand for generic drugs worldwide. Along with this, increasing efforts by governments of various countries to reduce healthcare costs and promote the manufacturing and uptake of generics are contributing to the market growth. They are also encouraging key players to introduce effective generic drugs and provide easy availability. Apart from this, the low production cost of generic medicines is creating a positive outlook for the market. Additionally, the expansion of the pharma companies and medical stores across the globe is further augmenting the market growth. Furthermore, the rising focus of leading manufacturers on partnership strategies to launch new products is propelling the market growth. Moreover, increasing investments in extensive research and development (R&D) activities and technological advancements in medicine formulation are anticipated to drive the market.

Generic Drugs Industry Segmentation:
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the global generic drugs market report, along with forecasts at the global and country levels from 2025-2033. Our report has categorized the market based on therapy area, drug delivery, and distribution channel.

Breakup by Therapy Area:

Central Nervous System

Central nervous system dominates the market

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the therapy area. This includes central nervous system, cardiovascular, dermatology, genitourinary/hormonal, respiratory, rheumatology, diabetes, oncology, and others. According to the report, central nervous system represented the largest segment.

Generic drugs play a significant role in the treatment of various central nervous system (CNS) disorders. They offer several benefits, including affordability, accessibility, and comparable efficacy to their brand-name counterparts. They comprise serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine, sertraline, and escitalopram, that are commonly prescribed for these conditions. They also consist of antiepileptic drugs, including levetiracetam, lamotrigine, and topiramate, which are commonly prescribed and have proven efficacy in controlling seizures. They are used to treat Parkinson’s disease and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Generic drugs are employed for curing cardiovascular complications, such as hypertension or hypertension, coronary artery diseases, heart failure, and arrhythmias. They consist of diuretics, aldosterone antagonists, digoxin, beta-blockers, and calcium channel blockers.

Breakup by Drug Delivery:


Oral holds the largest share in the market

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the drug delivery have also been provided in the report. This includes oral, injectables, dermal/topical, and inhalers. According to the report, oral accounted for the largest market share as they are generally easy to administer and can be self-administered by the patient. They can be taken at home or on the go without the need for medical supervision or assistance. Besides this, oral drugs can be obtained from pharmacies, hospitals, or prescribed by healthcare providers, making it convenient for patients to obtain and take their medications. They can be taken in a non-invasive manner by eliminating the need for needles, injections, or invasive procedures, which can be uncomfortable or cause anxiety for some individuals. They can get absorbed through the digestive system, allowing for efficient delivery into the bloodstream. Furthermore, oral medications offer a higher level of patient compliance as they are easy to consume regularly.

Breakup by Distribution Channel:

Retail Pharmacies
Hospital Pharmacies

Retail pharmacies account for the majority of the market share

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the distribution channel have also been provided in the report. This includes retail pharmacies and hospital pharmacies. According to the report, retail pharmacies accounted for the largest market share.

Retail pharmacies, also known as community pharmacies or outpatient pharmacies, are establishments wherein prescription medications, over the counter (OTC) drugs, and other healthcare products are dispensed and sold directly to consumers. These pharmacies are commonly found in retail settings, such as drugstore chains, supermarkets, or independent pharmacies. They play a crucial role in providing accessible and convenient pharmaceutical services to the public. They present a wide variety of medications, including pain relievers, cough and cold medicines, allergy medications, and more. Besides this, they often stock various health and wellness products, such as supplements, vitamins, personal care items, first aid supplies, and medical devices like blood pressure monitors and glucose meters.

Breakup by Country:

United States
United Kingdom

The United States exhibits a clear dominance, accounting for the largest generic drugs market share

The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include the United States, China, Brazil, Germany, France, India, the United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, Italy, and others.

The United States held the biggest market share since the region has an advanced medical infrastructure and efficient regulatory support. Besides this, the increasing number of insurance companies and healthcare providers encouraging patients to consume generic drugs is propelling the growth of the market. Apart from this, increasing availability of generic drugs at affordable prices are bolstering the growth of the market. Moreover, the growing occurrence of various chronic diseases among the masses is influencing the market positively.

China is estimated to expand further in this domain due to the increasing investments in developing novel drugs and promoting the use of generic drugs. Besides this, the rising construction of hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics is propelling the growth of the market in the country.

Competitive Landscape:
Key market players are investing in research activities to develop a pipeline of generic drugs. They are also focusing on identifying opportunities to introduce generic versions of brand-name drugs as patents expire. Top companies are forming strategic partnerships or engaging in acquisitions to strengthen their market position and expand their capabilities. They are also collaborating with other generic drug manufacturers, contract research organizations (CROs), or acquiring smaller companies to achieve access to new markets or technologies. Leading companies are expanding their geographic reach by entering new market positions and establishing a presence in emerging economies. They are also focusing on the development of complex generic drugs, such as extended-release formulations, transdermal patches, inhalers, and injectables.

The report has provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the key players in the market include:

Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd.
Mylan N.V.
Novartis AG
Pfizer Inc.
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
Fresenius SE & Co.
Lupin Limited
Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Aurobindo Pharma Limited
Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited

Key Questions Answered in This Report

1. What was the size of the global generic drugs market in 2024?
2. What is the expected growth rate of the global generic drugs market during 2025-2033?
3. What are the key factors driving the global generic drugs market?
4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the global generic drugs market?
5. What is the breakup of the global generic drugs market based on the therapy area?
6. What is the breakup of the global generic drugs market based on the drug delivery?
7. What is the breakup of the global generic drugs market based on the distribution channel?
8. What are the key regions in the global generic drugs market?
9. Who are the key players/companies in the global generic drugs market?

1 Preface
2 Scope and Methodology
2.1 Objectives of the Study
2.2 Stakeholders
2.3 Data Sources
2.3.1 Primary Sources
2.3.2 Secondary Sources
2.4 Market Estimation
2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach
2.4.2 Top-Down Approach
2.5 Forecasting Methodology
3 Executive Summary
4 Introduction
4.1 Overview
4.2 Key Industry Trends
5 Global Generic Drugs Industry
5.1 Market Overview
5.2 Market Performance
5.3 Impact of COVID-19
5.4 Market Breakup by Country
5.5 Market Breakup by Therapy Area
5.6 Market Breakup by Drug Delivery
5.7 Market Breakup by Distribution Channel
5.8 Market Forecast
5.9 SWOT Analysis
5.9.1 Overview
5.9.2 Strengths
5.9.3 Weaknesses
5.9.4 Opportunities
5.9.5 Threats
5.10 Value Chain Analysis
5.10.1 Research and Development
5.10.2 Manufacturing
5.10.3 Marketing and Distribution
5.11 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
5.11.1 Overview
5.11.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
5.11.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
5.11.4 Degree of Competition
5.11.5 Threat of New Entrants
5.11.6 Threat of Substitutes
5.12 Regulations in the Generic Industry
5.13 Key Market Drivers and Success Factors
6 Performance of Key Countries
6.1 United States
6.1.1 Market Trends
6.1.2 Market Forecast
6.2 China
6.2.1 Market Trends
6.2.2 Market Forecast
6.3 Brazil
6.3.1 Market Trends
6.3.2 Market Forecast
6.4 Germany
6.4.1 Market Trends
6.4.2 Market Forecast
6.5 France
6.5.1 Market Trends
6.5.2 Market Forecast
6.6 India
6.6.1 Market Trends
6.6.2 Market Forecast
6.7 United Kingdom
6.7.1 Market Trends
6.7.2 Market Forecast
6.8 Japan
6.8.1 Market Trends
6.8.2 Market Forecast
6.9 Canada
6.9.1 Market Trends
6.9.2 Market Forecast
6.10 Italy
6.10.1 Market Trends
6.10.2 Market Forecast
6.11 Others
6.11.1 Market Trends
6.11.2 Market Forecast
7 Market Breakup by Therapy Area
7.1 Central Nervous System
7.1.1 Market Trends
7.1.2 Market Forecast
7.2 Cardiovascular
7.2.1 Market Trends
7.2.2 Market Forecast
7.3 Dermatology
7.3.1 Market Trends
7.3.2 Market Forecast
7.4 Genitourinary/Hormonal
7.4.1 Market Trends
7.4.2 Market Forecast
7.5 Respiratory
7.5.1 Market Trends
7.5.2 Market Forecast
7.6 Rheumatology
7.6.1 Market Trends
7.6.2 Market Forecast
7.7 Diabetes
7.7.1 Market Trends
7.7.2 Market Forecast
7.8 Oncology
7.8.1 Market Trends
7.8.2 Market Forecast
7.9 Others
7.9.1 Market Trends
7.9.2 Market Forecast
8 Market Breakup by Drug Delivery
8.1 Oral
8.1.1 Market Trends
8.1.2 Market Forecast
8.2 Injectables
8.2.1 Market Trends
8.2.2 Market Forecast
8.3 Dermal/Topical
8.3.1 Market Trends
8.3.2 Market Forecast
8.4 Inhalers
8.4.1 Market Trends
8.4.2 Market Forecast
9 Market Breakup by Distribution Channel
9.1 Retail Pharmacies
9.1.1 Market Trends
9.1.2 Market Forecast
9.2 Hospital Pharmacies
9.2.1 Market Trends
9.2.2 Market Forecast
10 Competitive Landscape
10.1 Market Structure
10.2 Market Breakup by Key Players
10.3 Key Player Profiles
10.3.1 Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd.
10.3.2 Mylan N.V.
10.3.3 Novartis AG
10.3.4 Pfizer Inc.
10.3.5 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
10.3.6 Fresenius SE & Co.
10.3.7 Lupin Limited
10.3.8 Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc.
10.3.9 Aurobindo Pharma Limited
10.3.10 Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited
11 Generic Drugs Manufacturing Process
11.1 Product Overview
11.2 Detailed Process Flow (Tablets)
11.3 Detailed Process Flow (Injectable)
11.4 Various Types of Unit Operations Involved
11.5 Mass Balance and Raw Material Requirements
12 Project Details, Requirements and Costs Involved
12.1 Land Requirements and Expenditures
12.2 Construction Requirements and Expenditures
12.3 Plant Machinery
12.4 Machinery Pictures
12.5 Raw Material Requirements and Expenditures
12.6 Packaging Requirements and Expenditures
12.7 Transportation Requirements and Expenditures
12.8 Utility Requirements and Expenditures
12.9 Manpower Requirements and Expenditures
12.10 Other Capital Investments
13 Loans and Financial Assistance
14 Project Economics
14.1 Capital Cost of the Project
14.2 Techno-Economic Parameters
14.3 Product Pricing and Margins Across Various Levels of the Supply Chain
14.4 Taxation and Depreciation
14.5 Income Projections
14.6 Expenditure Projections
14.7 Financial Analysis
14.8 Profit Analysis

*** ジェネリック医薬品の世界市場に関するよくある質問(FAQ) ***




→「Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd., Mylan N.V., Novartis AG, Pfizer Inc., Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Fresenius SE & Co., Lupin Limited, Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc., Aurobindo Pharma Limited, Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limitedなど ...」をジェネリック医薬品市場のグローバル主要プレイヤーとして判断しています。


*** 免責事項 ***

※当市場調査資料(IMA25FR0146 )"ジェネリック医薬品の世界市場(2025-2033):中枢神経系、循環器、皮膚科、泌尿生殖器/ホルモン、呼吸器、リウマチ、糖尿病、腫瘍、その他" (英文:Generic Drugs Market Report by Therapy Area (Central Nervous System, Cardiovascular, Dermatology, Genitourinary/Hormonal, Respiratory, Rheumatology, Diabetes, Oncology, and Others), Drug Delivery (Oral, Injectables, Dermal/Topical, Inhalers), Distribution Channel (Retail Pharmacies, Hospital Pharmacies), and Country 2025-2033)はIMARC社が調査・発行しており、H&Iグローバルリサーチが販売します。

