
■ 英語タイトル:Global Artificial Intelligence in Medical Devices Market - 2024-2031

調査会社DataM Intelligence社が発行したリサーチレポート(データ管理コード:DATM24DC7005)■ 発行会社/調査会社:DataM Intelligence
■ 商品コード:DATM24DC7005
■ 発行日:2024年12月
■ 調査対象地域:グローバル
■ 産業分野:医療機器
■ ページ数:183
■ レポート言語:英語
■ レポート形式:PDF
■ 納品方式:Eメール
■ 販売価格オプション(消費税別)
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DataM Intelligence社の概要及び新刊レポートはこちらでご確認いただけます。

*** レポート概要(サマリー)***

概要 世界の医療機器における人工知能市場は、2023年に215億米ドルに達し、2031年には2289億8000万米ドルに達すると予測されており、2024年から2031年の予測期間における年平均成長率(CAGR)は34.7%で成長すると見込まれています。





さらに、業界の主要企業による戦略(パートナーシップやコラボレーション、革新的な新製品発売、製品認可など)が、この医療機器市場におけるグローバルな人工知能を牽引するでしょう。例えば、2023年3月、NVIDIAは世界最大の医療技術プロバイダーであるMedtronicとの提携を発表し、医療システムへの人工知能(AI)の統合を加速し、新しいAIベースのソリューションを通じて患者ケアを強化することを発表しました。この提携は、NVIDIAの先進的な医療技術とエッジAI技術を、コスモ製薬が開発・製造するMedtronicのインテリジェント内視鏡モジュールGI Geniusに組み込むことを目的としています。







また、2023年5月には、Formus Labsが、人工股関節置換術の術前計画用に特別に設計された初の「自動放射線画像処理ソフトウェア」として認められた自社製品Formus Hipについて、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)から510(k)認可を取得したと発表しました。この認可は、米国市場での存在感拡大を準備しているニュージーランドに拠点を置く同社にとって、重要なマイルストーンとなります。これらの要因により、医療機器における人工知能の分野における同セグメントの地位は確固たるものとなっています。



さらに、この地域では、多数の主要企業の存在、高度な医療インフラ、政府のイニシアティブおよび規制面のサポート、投資、製品発売および承認により、医療機器市場における人工知能の成長が促進されるでしょう。例えば、2022年6月には、Hyperfine, Inc.が医療用画像分野に大きな影響を与えた。同社のSwoopシステムは、ポイント・オブ・ケア用途向けに設計された初のFDA認可のポータブル磁気共鳴画像法(MRI)装置として認められている。Swoopシステムはポータブル設計であるため、患者のベッドサイドに直接持ち運ぶことができる。
また、2024年3月には、Clarius Mobile Healthが、膀胱容量をわずか数秒で自動測定する非侵襲的なツールである革新的なClarius Bladder AIについて、カナダ保健省の承認を取得しました。この技術は現在、Clarius PAL HD3、Clarius PA HD3、Clarius C3 HD3のワイヤレスハンドヘルド超音波スキャナーとともにカナダで利用可能です。




医療機器の人工知能市場における主なグローバル企業には、GE HealthCare.、Medtronic, Siemens Healthineers AG、NVIDIA Corporation、Koninklijke Philips N.V.、Canon Medical Systems、USA, Inc.、Aidoc、IBM、Apple Inc.、Google DeepMind、HYPERFINE, INC.、Clariusなどが挙げられます。

世界の医療機器における人工知能市場の新興企業には、Mediwhale Inc.、xCures, Inc.、Formus Labs Ltd.などが含まれる。

• 2024年5月、医薬品医療製品規制庁(MHRA)は、人工知能(AI)を利用する医療機器の規制に関連する課題に対処するために設計された新しい規制サンドボックスであるAI Airlockを立ち上げた。このイニシアティブは、医療機器としてのAI(AIaMD)の安全な開発と展開を促進することを目的としている。AI Airlockは、開発者が規制当局の監督下でAI医療機器をテストできる管理された環境を提供する。
• 2024年3月、Clarius Mobile Healthは、革新的なClarius PAL HD3ワイヤレスハンドヘルド全身用超音波スキャナーについて、カナダ保健省(Health Canada)の承認を取得した。このデバイスは、単一のデュアルアレイスキャナーを使用して、表在性および深在性の解剖学的構造の両方を高解像度で画像化できる点が特徴である。Clarius PAL HD3は、iPhoneとAndroidスマートデバイスの両方でアプリとシームレスに動作し、医療従事者にとって非常に利用しやすいものとなっている。

• 製品の種類、技術、用途、エンドユーザー、地域に基づく医療機器市場のグローバルな人工知能のセグメント化を視覚化し、主要な商業資産と企業を理解する。
• 傾向と共同開発を分析することで商機を特定する。
• 医療機器市場における人工知能のあらゆるセグメントの多数のデータポイントを含むエクセルデータシート。
• 徹底的な定性インタビューと詳細な調査に基づく包括的分析で構成されるPDFレポート。

対象読者 2023
• メーカー/バイヤー
• 業界投資家/投資銀行家
• 研究専門家
• 新興企業

*** レポート目次(コンテンツ)***

1. 調査手法および範囲
1.1. 調査手法
1.2. 調査目的およびレポートの範囲
2. 定義および概要
3. エグゼクティブサマリー
3.1. 製品種類別抜粋
3.2. 技術別抜粋
3.3. 用途別抜粋
3.4. エンドユーザー別抜粋
3.5. 地域別抜粋
4. ダイナミクス
4.1. 影響因子
4.1.1. 推進要因 医療機器へのAIの統合 XX
4.1.2. 抑制要因 厳格な規制認可
4.1.3. 機会
4.1.4. 影響分析
5. 産業分析
5.1. ポーターのファイブフォース分析
5.2. サプライチェーン分析
5.3. 価格分析
5.4. 規制分析
6. 製品種類別
6.1. はじめに
6.1.1. 製品種類別分析および前年比成長率(%)
6.1.2. 製品種類別市場魅力度指数
6.2. ハードウェア *
6.2.1. はじめに
6.2.2. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)
6.3. ソフトウェア
6.4. サービス
7. テクノロジー別
7.1. はじめに
7.1.1. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)、技術別
7.1.2. 市場魅力度指数、技術別
7.2. 機械学習 *
7.2.1. はじめに
7.2.2. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)
7.3. ディープラーニング
7.4. 自然言語処理(NLP)
7.5. コンピュータビジョン
7.6. その他
8. 用途別
8.1. はじめに
8.1.1. 用途別市場規模分析および前年比成長率(%)
8.1.2. 用途別市場魅力度指数
8.2. 放射線医学*
8.2.1. はじめに
8.2.2. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)
8.3. 循環器学
8.4. 血液学
8.5. 腫瘍学
8.6. 整形外科画像
8.7. その他
9. エンドユーザー別
9.1. はじめに
9.1.1. エンドユーザー別市場規模分析および前年比成長率(%)
9.1.2. エンドユーザー別市場魅力度指数
9.2. 病院および医療サービスプロバイダー*
9.2.1. イントロダクション
9.2.2. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率(%)
9.3. 製薬会社およびバイオテクノロジー企業
9.4. 医療保険者
9.5. その他
10. 地域別
10.1. はじめに
10.1.1. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)、地域別
10.1.2. 市場魅力度指数、地域別
10.2. 北米
10.2.1. はじめに
10.2.2. 主要地域別の動向
10.2.3. 市場規模および前年比成長率(%)製品種類別
10.2.4. 市場規模および前年比成長率(%)技術別
10.2.5. 市場規模および前年比成長率(%)用途別
10.2.6. エンドユーザー別市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)
10.2.7. 国別市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%) 米国 カナダ メキシコ
10.3. ヨーロッパ
10.3.1. はじめに
10.3.2. 主要地域別の動向
10.3.3. 製品種類別市場規模分析および前年比成長率(%)
10.3.4. 技術別市場規模分析および前年比成長率(%)
10.3.5. 用途別市場規模分析および前年比成長率(%)
10.3.6. エンドユーザー別市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)
10.3.7. 国別市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%) ドイツ 英国 フランス スペイン イタリア ヨーロッパのその他地域
10.4. 南アメリカ
10.4.1. はじめに
10.4.2. 主要地域別の動向
10.4.3. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)、製品種類別
10.4.4. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率(%)、技術別
10.4.5. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率(%)、用途別
10.4.6. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率(%)、エンドユーザー別
10.4.7. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率(%)、国別 ブラジル アルゼンチン 南米その他
10.5. アジア太平洋地域
10.5.1. はじめに
10.5.2. 地域特有の主な動向
10.5.3. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)、製品種類別
10.5.4. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)、技術別
10.5.5. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)、用途別
10.5.6. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)、エンドユーザー別
10.5.7. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)、国別 中国 インド 日本 韓国 アジア太平洋地域その他
10.6. 中東およびアフリカ
10.6.1. はじめに
10.6.2. 主要地域特有の動向
10.6.3. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)、製品種類別
10.6.4. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)、技術別
10.6.5. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)、用途別
10.6.6. 市場規模分析および前年比成長率分析(%)、エンドユーザー別
11. 競合状況
11.1. 競合シナリオ
11.2. 市場ポジショニング/シェア分析
11.3. 合併・買収分析
12. 企業プロフィール
GE HealthCare.
Medtronic, Siemens Healthineers AG
NVIDIA Corporation
Koninklijke Philips N.V.
Canon Medical Systems
USA, Inc.
Apple Inc.
Google DeepMind
13. 付録
13.1. 当社およびサービスについて
13.2. お問い合わせ

The global artificial intelligence in medical devices market reached US$ 21.50 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 228.98 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 34.7% during the forecast period 2024-2031.

Artificial intelligence in medical devices transforming the industry by fostering innovation and enhancing efficiency. Its applications range from data management and diagnostic support to improving patient experiences and ensuring regulatory compliance. AI is poised to be a key player in the future of healthcare. As the industry progresses, the transformative capabilities of AI will undoubtedly influence the development of the next generation of medical devices, making healthcare more efficient, accessible, and effective.
AI technologies, particularly machine learning algorithms, are increasingly being integrated into diagnostic tools to boost accuracy. For instance, AI can analyze medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans more swiftly and accurately than traditional methods. This capability helps to lower the rates of misdiagnosis, which is a major concern in healthcare. These factors have driven the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market expansion.

Executive Summary

Market Dynamics: Drivers & Restraints

Integration of AI in Medical Devices
The integration of artificial intelligence in medical devices is significantly driving the growth of global artificial intelligence in the medical devices market and is expected to drive throughout the market forecast period.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is significantly transforming the medical devices industry by introducing innovative solutions and improving operational efficiency across various healthcare applications.
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in medical devices involves incorporating advanced technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision into medical tools and equipment. This integration enables these devices to analyze complex medical data, assist healthcare professionals in making informed decisions, and automate various processes within clinical environments. All these factors drive global artificial intelligence in medical devices market.

Furthermore, key players in the industry strategies such as partnerships & collaborations, innovative launches, and product approvals would drive this global artificial intelligence in medical devices market. For instance, in March 2023, NVIDIA announced a collaboration with Medtronic, the world’s largest healthcare technology provider, to accelerate the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the healthcare system and enhance patient care through new AI-based solutions. This partnership aims to incorporate NVIDIA’s advanced healthcare and edge AI technologies into Medtronic's GI Genius intelligent endoscopy module, which is developed and manufactured by Cosmo Pharmaceuticals.

Similarly, in November 2024, GE HealthCare launched a new AI Innovation Lab aimed at accelerating the development of early-stage artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. This initiative is part of the company's broader strategy to integrate AI into medical devices, create applications that enhance decision-making throughout the healthcare journey, and leverage AI to improve outcomes and operational efficiencies across the healthcare system. All these factors demand global artificial intelligence in medical devices market.
Moreover, the rising adoption of telehealth services contributes to the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market expansion.

Stringent Regulatory Approvals
The stringent regulatory approvals will hinder the growth of global artificial intelligence in medical devices. The regulatory environment for medical devices that incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) presents considerable complexities that can hinder the timely introduction of new products to artificial intelligence in medical devices market.
The regulation of AI-enabled medical devices is intricate and varies significantly across different regions. For instance, regulatory bodies like the FDA in the United States and the MHRA in the UK have distinct frameworks governing the safety, efficacy, and compliance of these devices. This complexity can lead to delays in product development and artificial intelligence in medical devices market entry.

According to a ScienceDirect research publication in 2024, numerous generative and non-generative AI tools have been developed for various applications in healthcare, with many medical device manufacturers leveraging AI and machine learning (ML) to innovate their products. Regulating AI tools not only facilitates the safe and effective integration of these technologies into healthcare but also fosters public trust.
Regulators must possess a solid understanding of AI and the challenges associated with its development, deployment, and monitoring in healthcare. Thus, the above factors could be limiting the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market's potential growth.

Segment Analysis
The global artificial intelligence in medical devices market is segmented based on product type, technology, application, end-user, and region.

Product Type:
The software segment is expected to dominate the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market share
The software segment holds a major portion of the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market share and is expected to continue to hold a significant portion of the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market share during the forecast period.

The software segment is expected to capture the largest share of the AI in medical devices market, outpacing both hardware and services. This growth is fueled by a rising demand for advanced AI solutions that improve diagnostic accuracy and enhance operational efficiency. For instance, advancements in natural language processing (NLP) have resulted in the creation of software tools that convert physician notes into electronic health records (EHRs), thereby streamlining workflow efficiency.

Furthermore, key players in the industry product launches and approvals would drive this segment's growth in the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market. For instance, in July 2024, Hyperfine announced the clearance of its ninth generation of AI-powered software. This advanced software significantly reduces scan times across various MRI sequences without compromising image quality. The recent FDA clearance further establishes Hyperfine's leadership in AI-driven health technology.
Also, in May 2023, Formus Labs announced that it had received 510(k) clearance from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its product, Formus Hip, which is recognized as the first "automated radiological image processing software" specifically designed for pre-operative planning in hip replacement surgeries. This clearance marks a significant milestone for the New Zealand-based company as it prepares to expand its presence in the U.S. market. These factors have solidified the segment's position in the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market.

Geographical Analysis
North America is expected to hold a significant position in the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market share
North America holds a substantial position in the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market and is expected to hold most of the market share.

The growing adoption of healthcare IT solutions is driving the expansion of AI in medical devices. Healthcare providers are increasingly utilizing AI technologies to boost operational efficiency, enhance patient outcomes, and streamline administrative tasks. The rapid increase in healthcare data generated from various sources such as electronic health records (EHRs), medical imaging, and wearable devices creates a need for advanced analytical tools.
AI can effectively process and analyze this vast amount of data, leading to improved diagnostics and personalized treatment plans. The increasing popularity of wearable health monitoring devices is driving demand for AI-enabled solutions that can analyze real-time data and provide actionable insights for both patients and healthcare providers.

Furthermore, in this region, a major number of key players' presence, well-advanced healthcare infrastructure, government initiatives & regulatory support, investments, and product launches & approvals would propel the artificial intelligence in medical devices market growth. For instance, in June 2022, Hyperfine, Inc. made a significant impact in the field of medical imaging with its Swoop system, which is recognized as the first FDA-cleared portable magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) device designed for point-of-care applications. The Swoop system is designed to be portable, allowing it to be brought directly to a patient's bedside.
Also, in March 2024, Clarius Mobile Health received Health Canada approval for its innovative Clarius Bladder AI, a non-invasive tool designed to automatically measure bladder volume in just seconds. This technology is now available in Canada alongside the Clarius PAL HD3, Clarius PA HD3, and Clarius C3 HD3 wireless handheld ultrasound scanners.
Thus, the above factors are consolidating the region's position as a dominant force in the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market.

Asia Pacific is growing at the fastest pace in the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market
Asia Pacific holds the fastest pace in the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market and is expected to hold most of the market share.
The rising rates of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory disorders are driving the demand for advanced medical devices that utilize AI technologies for improved diagnosis and management.

The Asia-Pacific region is increasing the need for healthcare services and technologies that address age-related health issues, thereby boosting the market for artificial intelligence in medical devices investments in healthcare infrastructure across Asia-Pacific countries are facilitating the adoption of AI technologies. Enhanced infrastructure supports the integration of AI into medical devices, improving their functionality and effectiveness.
Furthermore, key players in the region's initiatives such as product launches would drive this artificial intelligence in medical devices market growth. For instance, in April 2024, Singapore's National University Hospital (NUH) launched an AI-driven digestive center that integrates three advanced artificial intelligence systems to enhance the early detection and diagnosis of stomach cancers. This initiative aims to improve clinical outcomes by leveraging AI technologies in the diagnostic process.

Also, in November 2023, Meihua International Medical Technologies Co. (MHUA) announced the launch of Speed Fox, an innovative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered warehouse management and medical device logistics platform. This initiative represents a significant advancement in the field of medical device logistics, aiming to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. Thus, the above factors are consolidating the region's position as the fastest-growing force in the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market.

Competitive Landscape
The major global players in the artificial intelligence in medical devices market include GE HealthCare., Medtronic, Siemens Healthineers AG, NVIDIA Corporation, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Canon Medical Systems, USA, Inc., Aidoc, IBM, Apple Inc., Google DeepMind, HYPERFINE, INC., and Clarius among others.

Emerging Players
The emerging players in the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market include Mediwhale Inc., xCures, Inc., and Formus Labs Ltd among others.

Key Developments
• In May 2024, The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) launched AI Airlock, a new regulatory sandbox designed to address the challenges associated with regulating medical devices that utilize artificial intelligence (AI). This initiative aims to facilitate the safe development and deployment of AI as a Medical Device (AIaMD). AI Airlock serves as a controlled environment where developers can test their AI medical devices under regulatory supervision.
• In March 2024, Clarius Mobile Health, received approval from Health Canada for its innovative Clarius PAL HD3 wireless handheld whole-body ultrasound scanner. This device is notable for its ability to provide high-definition imaging of both superficial and deep anatomical structures using a single dual-array scanner. The Clarius PAL HD3 operates seamlessly with an app on both iPhone and Android smart devices, making it highly accessible for healthcare professionals.

Why Purchase the Report?
• To visualize the global artificial intelligence in medical devices market segmentation based on product type, technology, application, end-user, and region and understand key commercial assets and players.
• Identify commercial opportunities by analyzing trends and co-development.
• Excel data sheet with numerous data points of the artificial intelligence in medical devices market with all segments.
• PDF report consists of a comprehensive analysis after exhaustive qualitative interviews and an in-depth study.
• Product mapping is available in excel consisting of key products of all the major players.
The global artificial intelligence in medical devices market report would provide approximately 76 tables, 70 figures, and 183 pages.

Target Audience 2023
• Manufacturers/ Buyers
• Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
• Research Professionals
• Emerging Companies

1. Methodology and Scope
1.1. Research Methodology
1.2. Research Objective and Scope of the Report
2. Definition and Overview
3. Executive Summary
3.1. Snippet by Product Type
3.2. Snippet by Technology
3.3. Snippet by Application
3.4. Snippet by End-User
3.5. Snippet by Region
4. Dynamics
4.1. Impacting Factors
4.1.1. Drivers Integration of AI in Medical Devices XX
4.1.2. Restraints Stringent Regulatory Approvals
4.1.3. Opportunity
4.1.4. Impact Analysis
5. Industry Analysis
5.1. Porter’s Five Force Analysis
5.2. Supply Chain Analysis
5.3. Pricing Analysis
5.4. Regulatory Analysis
6. By Product Type
6.1. Introduction
6.1.1. Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product Type
6.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Product Type
6.2. Hardware *
6.2.1. Introduction
6.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
6.3. Software
6.4. Services
7. By Technology
7.1. Introduction
7.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
7.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Technology
7.2. Machine Learning *
7.2.1. Introduction
7.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
7.3. Deep Learning
7.4. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
7.5. Computer Vision
7.6. Others
8. By Application
8.1. Introduction
8.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
8.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Application
8.2. Radiology*
8.2.1. Introduction
8.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
8.3. Cardiology
8.4. Hematology
8.5. Oncology
8.6. Orthopedic Imaging
8.7. Others
9. By End-User
9.1. Introduction
9.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End-User
9.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By End-User
9.2. Hospitals and Healthcare Providers*
9.2.1. Introduction
9.2.2. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%)
9.3. Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Companies
9.4. Healthcare Payers
9.5. Others
10. By Region
10.1. Introduction
10.1.1. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Region
10.1.2. Market Attractiveness Index, By Region
10.2. North America
10.2.1. Introduction
10.2.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
10.2.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product Type
10.2.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
10.2.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
10.2.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End-User
10.2.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country U.S. Canada Mexico
10.3. Europe
10.3.1. Introduction
10.3.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
10.3.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product Type
10.3.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
10.3.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
10.3.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End-User
10.3.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Germany U.K. France Spain Italy Rest of Europe
10.4. South America
10.4.1. Introduction
10.4.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
10.4.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product Type
10.4.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
10.4.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
10.4.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End-User
10.4.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country Brazil Argentina Rest of South America
10.5. Asia-Pacific
10.5.1. Introduction
10.5.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
10.5.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product Type
10.5.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
10.5.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
10.5.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End-User
10.5.7. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Country China India Japan South Korea Rest of Asia-Pacific
10.6. Middle East and Africa
10.6.1. Introduction
10.6.2. Key Region-Specific Dynamics
10.6.3. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Product Type
10.6.4. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Technology
10.6.5. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By Application
10.6.6. Market Size Analysis and Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), By End-User
11. Competitive Landscape
11.1. Competitive Scenario
11.2. Market Positioning/Share Analysis
11.3. Mergers and Acquisitions Analysis
12. Company Profiles
12.1. GE HealthCare. *
12.1.1. Company Overview
12.1.2. Product Portfolio and Description
12.1.3. Financial Overview
12.1.4. Key Developments
12.2. Medtronic
12.3. Siemens Healthineers AG
12.4. NVIDIA Corporation
12.5. Koninklijke Philips N.V.
12.6. Canon Medical Systems, USA, Inc.
12.7. Aidoc
12.8. IBM
12.9. Apple Inc.
12.10. Google DeepMind
12.12. Clarius
13. Appendix
13.1. About Us and Services
13.2. Contact Us

*** 医療機器における人工知能の世界市場に関するよくある質問(FAQ) ***

→DataM Intelligence社は2023年の医療機器における人工知能の世界市場規模を215億米ドルと推定しています。

→DataM Intelligence社は2031年の医療機器における人工知能の世界市場規模を2289億8000万米ドルと予測しています。

→DataM Intelligence社は医療機器における人工知能の世界市場が2024年~2031年に年平均34.7%成長すると展望しています。

→「GE HealthCare.、Medtronic, Siemens Healthineers AG、NVIDIA Corporation、Koninklijke Philips N.V.、Canon Medical Systems、USA, Inc.、Aidoc、IBM、Apple Inc.、Google DeepMind、HYPERFINE, INC.、Clariusなど ...」を医療機器における人工知能市場のグローバル主要プレイヤーとして判断しています。


*** 免責事項 ***

※当市場調査資料(DATM24DC7005 )"世界の医療機器における人工知能市場(2024年~2031年)" (英文:Global Artificial Intelligence in Medical Devices Market - 2024-2031)はDataM Intelligence社が調査・発行しており、H&Iグローバルリサーチが販売します。

